Website Refresh or Website Redesign? Either Way, a Website Design Plan is Essential

A company's website can make or break its online presence. As the world goes digital, It's more important than ever to have a website that accurately represents your business and helps sell your services or products to the right people. At Riza Marketing, we offer two valuable services that help clients enhance their communication and improve their online presence. Regardless of your chosen service, beginning any design process with a solid website design plan is important.

What is a website refresh?

A website refresh is the simplest option for small business owners with a few small changes to make to their websites. Here are some examples of situations that may lead to a website refresh:

  • Changes to your business - have your service offerings changed? Your services should always be reflected accurately on your website.

  • Service updates - have you made specific changes to your services that warrant a change to the SEO on your website

  • Poor website conversion rates - the purpose of your website is to drive business traffic. If that isn't happening, you may need a refresh.

  • Stagnant website - If it's been a year or more since you've made any changes to your website, a refresh will help you stand out in Google searches.

  • Tech additions – Any time you add a CRM, lead generator, nurture programs, or chatbots, your website will require a small refresh.

  • New Marketing landing pages - Are you trying to launch a program or product? Rather than rewrite your website, you may want to add a landing page to reflect your additions.

As you can see, you can achieve a lot with a simple website refresh. But, there are some small business owners whose websites need even more work. If you're looking for more, choose the website redesign route. At Riza Marketing, we take care of all the details, from your website's look, feel, and function to SEO and ongoing marketing services.

Once you determine that your website needs some work, we like to collaborate with clients to develop a website design plan. We can guide you through this process, but ultimately these are all questions you must answer. Your website design plan should include the following: 

One, three, and five-year business goals

  • Ideas on how your website could better serve your customer

  • Your non-negotiable elements

  • Other things you would like to see included in your site

  • Your plans for future growth

This exercise is excellent for planning a successful website design, and it's helpful for business owners who need clarity on the next phase of their business. Contact us today for a website design quote or to sign up for one of our workshops.